Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tacky Tack

Went back over to the tack shop to look around again and take some pics. I ended up getting an old crupper to practice with Banico for driving for $10. 
Pink English saddle:

 A synthetic:
 Barrel saddle


     Most of the stuff here is really nice. You can find some great deals on really nice things but there are always fun stuff in there. I always go in at least to look around when I come. Most of the time more than once.

Winter break

I am back in CA for winter break. I went and visited both sets of grandparents over Christmas and then drove down to my horsey aunt Julie with my cousin Tyler. She has a Friesian mare and her 4 year old colt. We have also had a bunch of rain. We had about 5 days straight of rain when I first got here and has been raining off and on sense then. Everything is muddy so there isn't much to do with the horses. It dried up enough to do a bit with them when I first got to Julie's. We worked with the mare on ground driving and draging the arena with a tire and the colt with some bowing and ground work. Pictures are of the two running around the arena. It rained more today so we just hung out and went to my favorite tack store Thrifty Horse which is a huge consignment shop in Norco. There is always lots to look at and I bought a really nice saddle pad for $20. Also saw a English saddle with pink seat and knee roles that belonged on Tacky Tack. I have been having fun listening to my cousin and uncle Bob's hilarious banter back and forth. 
Colt, Zues, in front and mare in back

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ice storm

We had a ice storm last night. Everything is covered in a layer of ice and its not fun trying to go anywhere. When I got up this morning and looked out I saw a guy doing this weird ice skating like slide down one of the side walk. Thankfully my school is good about scraping the side walks otherwise it wouldn't of been easy to get to my final today. I did go out to my car to grab something and there was a very thick layer of ice and I could barley get my door open. At least I didn't need to go anywhere. Here are some pics of everything covered in ice. You can click on the pic to get them bigger.  

More snow cold and crazy horse.

We got a larger snow storm early this week and I didn't get down to the barn until Tuesday. Of corse he was out in pasture as far away as possible but I was able to catch him and start to bring him in. As we were trying to cross the creek he got away from me and went galloping around in the snow. I could tell he was just having fun and probably needed a good run but I was concerned about him hurting himself but there was nothing I could do. He then went up to one of the other younger horses and got him going so both of them were running around in the snow. They were having so much fun. I really wish I had brought my camera down with me but didn't think about it. He did finally let me catch him and thankfully the lead I had grabbed had a chain on it so he didn't get away again. 
He looks suspicious 

 I then let him out in the indoor arena for a bit to make sure he had all of his crazness out. (sorry about pic quality the indoor lighting isn't great for pics)

I then got on him for a bit and he was very good for me. I ended up half way through the ride taking the saddle off and getting on bareback because I was getting cold riding. He has been very forward and not listening to me so I think his little gallop helped that. 
     Yesterday I went down again and had another very forward ride but it was OK. Hes good at the walk and trot but rushes at the canter. I did talk to my BO about switching his grain because I think that might be causing some of it. He has also been either in a stall or the snowy pastures so I don't think he has been getting as much exercise on his own. It was kind of fun the first few days to have a forward horse compared to what he is normally but now its getting old. Unfortunely I am heading home for three weeks so wont be able to ride him more but I am glad to be heading home to relax and see family. Some of my horse friends back home have offered to let me ride their horses so I wont be completely horseless but will miss my horse. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Banico in the snow pic overload

It is finals week so I have been busy with studding so haven't had  much time to post but here are a bunch of photos I took today. I have my last final tomorrow so I will do a post about my crazy horse tomorrow or Friday. So here are pics:

 yes my horse is spoiled.

 My carrots.
 Who me?

Will Look Cute for Carrots. 
My horses new moto. 
Ah bribery.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I went down to the barn today to ride and it snowed. It wasn't in the forecast but its been cold and cloudy. It was enough to turn everything white but wasn't  sticking to the roads so I got home fine.

     Banico was still very forward today but I used a different pair of spurs so he was listening to my leg much better. He didn't do any thing bad he was just very quick and just wanted to run around the arena. I kind of like the change from having to push him all the time. Unfortunly we are supposed to get another storm in the next few days so he will be inside more and I might not make it out there to work him.  I did finally pull out my sewing machine and fix his fleece blanket liner/cooler so he has that. He got sweaty again after our ride and its so cold out I feel better putting something on him while he drys off.