We called my mom in to look and she said she knew this was the horse. We contacted the seller and soon were on a flight out to Wisconsin in late February. The breeders were a very small facility and just had two yearling colts, Banico and a purebred Andalusian colt. Banico was the
better of the two.They said he was always the easiest to train and I worked with him on the ground some. He had come in from the pasture the day before with a hurting tooth so the vet came out to look at it. They thought it was a cracked root so he went into surgery after we left to get it repaired and get gelded. It wasn't a cracked root so they had to remove it so he had a gap. He has always been very sensitive about his mouth which I think is because of this injury. We also did some trailer training with him but he banged his hurt tooth on the floor and was reluctant to continue with it but still got in easer that the other colt. I was also able to ride his mom and another of their Andalusian mares. The mom was hot but very fun to ride. We were there two days and had a great time getting to know the family and Banico.
A month later he was on his way to California. He took a week to get here but arrived safely very early in the morning. This is the only picture my mom got of us on the first day:
I spent the entire day with him and washed his legs (they were very green from the trailer ride) and just got to know him. He lived with two other yearlings in one of the pastures for awhile. Here are some picts that my uncle took two weeks after he arrived. This was about a week before his 1st birthday.
He still had his fuzzy Wisconsin winter coat that he has never had anywhere close to since. I guess he just doesn't think it is that cold in So Cal then it was in Wisconsin. He was wearing a arab sized halter he fit into as a yearling. He now is 16.2 hands and you could tell then that he was going to be big. My trainer and I did a lot of ground work with him and I had a lot of fun learning how to train a baby. He learned how to lunge and I ponied him off of Lacey quite a bit even though he was about the same size as her. I was very glad to have a great trainer to help me with him.