Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break

     I went home for spring break last week and had a great time. I have been meaning to post about it earlier but between a busy school week and a bout of food poising I haven't had the chance.  

      The Friday I got back I was able to go down and ride my boyfriend's horse Weldon and visit with everyone. Pics from that ride:

Saturday I went on a trail ride with my boyfriend and I rode his other horse Sophie while he rode Weldon. It was a lot of fun. Weldon freaked out when another horse passed us and was giving his owner trouble but other than that it was a good ride.


Sunday we tried to go sailing but when we got to the harbor there was a Tsunami warning so we didn't go out. We did get to see it come into the harbor while we were there. It mostly looked like a very strong current coming in and it raised the water level in the harbor almost 3 feet.

I rode Weldon again on Friday and he was very forward. The rest of the pics are from this day.

Boyfriend and Sophie:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ground driving

     I have been neglecting this blog but I have been busy with school and haven't had much time or much to post about. I have had some good rides on Banico and jumped him a bit last weekend. We have been having some big storms come through and it is so nice to have an indoor arena to ride in when it is bad out. My horse looks awful from all the mud and it hasn't been warm enough to give him a bath for months. He did start to shed today so spring is coming. 
     When I went out to catch him from pasture he got everyone going and all the other horses stared galloping around. He started it by pinning his ears at some one and got everyone riled up. The BM told me he is the ringleader out there and always gets everyone else going. He also is the boss and gets all the hay and is getting kind of fat. Most of the other horses came up to the gate quickly but Banico and another two horses went down to the end and came back. He was on the other side of the creek and jumped the creek at full run and galloped up the hill. I finally was able to catch him and he gave me some attitude leading him through the gate so I reminded him that he couldn't do that with me. 
     I then put my surcingle on him and first lunged him a bit. He was giving me more attitude and showed me that he could canter sideways to get away from me. Those darn Andalusians are to darn athletic sometimes. He did settle down after a bit and was very good. He was very forward and we did a bunch of trotting and some cantering circles. He is improving with the ground driving and I should do it more with him.  

   Here are pics. Ignore the scruffy looking horse because he hasn't gotten a bath in months. Also the darn burr plants are growing again. 

He looks fat again witch is an improvement. 

Good roll. He was very sweaty after the work out and his long winter coat.

Barn goat.