Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bored horse

     Today Banico told me very clearly that he didn't what to be stuck inside with his leg wrapped. He actually trotted away from me when I went out to catch him. I didn't blame him because it was a beautiful day outside.  I did catch him and first washed his legs and tail and then got on for a bit. He just has a hint of being off on that leg. We had a good ride and he actually seemed to enjoy getting out to do something. He felt quite forward for the first part of the ride but his left lead canter still feels a bit off. The barn owner was out riding at the same time so we had a good conversation while we were riding. I trimmed his back feet and then we decided it was to nice to keep him inside. We will see how he is tomorrow with the exercise and being unwrapped.   
Mouthy boy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Banico is doing much better today. Was wrapped until this morning and the lump went down a bunch and he is much sounder. The barn owner was going to leave him in but apparently tried to tear the stall door down so she tossed him back out. I trotted him a short bit on the lunge and he looked much better. He was very wiggly when I went to rewrap him but it got done. The barn owner is going to try to leave him in with the wrap on tomorrow and then put him back out tomorrow night and then rewrap on Tuesday. He is fine inside when all his buddys are in but when they get put out and he doesn't he throws a fit. He has always been an opinionated horse.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Had a great winter break home even if it was way to short. Went on a hike and trail ride and just hung out mostly. Back to school now which is going well. This semester is Peds and OB and has been very interesting so far.

 It was cold and Lily says this sucks. She has no cold tolerance

Banico is doing OK. He lost a bunch of weight over the break which was a combination of winter and that I have been a bad horse mom and let his teeth go to long. He is better now and getting a ton of beet pulp and oats and some alfalfa on top of grass hay. He has also been a bit off for awhile. He has a lump below his hock that I'm almost positive it causing it. Was mostly just watching it and hoping it would go away on its own but the mud dosen't help.  The barn owner suggested we sweat wrap it so he is in with his leg wrapped.