This is kind of off topic for this blog about Banico but to funny not to post. I am in nursing school and am in the semester where we learn most of the skills like shots, NG tubes and catheters. I had my catheter competency today where we perform the skill in front of the teacher and get signed off on it. We use models to practice all of our skill on and do our competences on. The models for the catheter are hip models that are from the belly button to the knee and have a number of interchangeable body parts including male and female parts. I had gotten a scenario with a male so was holding it and inserting the catheter when the part pops out of its place. The instructor said I had a stunned look on my face then started laughing so she started laughing. I put it kind of back where it belonged and just continued with the competency and passed. The instructor kept laughing about it for awhile and we went back to the regular class room and told the rest of the class what happed. A few of the students said they would of broke down or just stopped the comp there but I could just laugh about it. Makes for a good story anyways.
Just so this isn't totally non horsey Banico was great yesterday. Did some ground driving and then hopped on bareback. Ground driving is getting better slowly and I now have proof his brain is completely here. When I got on bareback (which is the second time I have done that sense he has got here) the barn owner drove by with a drag attached to the back of her truck to go drag the indoor arena. It was making a awful noise on the gravel but Banico didn't even move. Just look at it a bit but didn't do any thing. Same thing when she was nailing new dressage letters into the indoor and making a racket while I was ground driving him. He didn't even seem to notice. Love this horse. This is how he was at home normally so it is very nice to have it all the way back.
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11 hours ago
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